Pryor (SSH Gateway)#

The School provides an SSH Gateway service to Staff and RD Students which allows remote access to the HPC

It’s address is

When you request access to the HPC we will also grant you access to Pryor.

Once you’ve been granted access, you can sign in while on site or in remote desktop.

However before you can sign in remotely, you will need to upload your public SSH key.

We have guides on how to generate an SSH key pair on service desk:

After you’ve created your key, sign into Pryor using SSH in remote desktop (You can use the Putty application to do this), then copy and paste your public key into the authorized_keys file.

You can find it here: /home/[your_username]/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you’re having trouble we can upload the key for you.

Once your key’s been uploaded, you can log into Pryor using your private key from a remote computer.

We have a guide on connecting to pryor and accessing the hpc from it here:

You can create a config file in your .ssh directory to simplify connection to pryor.

The .ssh directory can be found on Windows in C:/Users/[your_usename]/.ssh and on Mac and Linux in /home/[your_username]/.ssh

Create a text file called config

Edit the file and enter the following text:

Host pryor
                User lshtm_username
                IdentityFile your_pryor_private_key_location

Host loginhpc
                ProxyJump pryor
                User lshtm_username

Now when you user the ssh or scp command you can use the alias loginhpc to jump directly to the HPC.