Conda Cheet Sheet#

Quick Start#

Tip: It is recommended to create a new environment for any new project or workflow.

verify conda install and check version

conda info

update conda in base environment

conda update -n base conda

install latest anaconda distribution

conda install anaconda=VERSION

create a new environment

conda create –name ENVNAME

activate environment

conda activate ENVNAME

Channels and packages#

Tip: Package dependencies and platform specifics are automatically resolved when using conda.

list installed packages

conda list

list installed packages with source info

conda list –show-channel-urls

update all packages

conda update –all

install a package from specific channel

conda install -c CHANNELNAME PKG1 PKG2

install specific version of package

conda install PKGNAME=3.1.4

install a package from specific channel


install package with AND logic

conda install “PKGNAME>2.5,<3.2”

install package with OR logic

conda install “PKGNAME [version=’2.5|3.2’]”

uninstall package

conda uninstall PKGNAME

view channel sources

conda config –show-sources

add channel

conda config –add channels CHANNELNAME

set default channel for pkg fetching

conda config –set channel_priority strict

Working with conda enviroments#

Tip: List environments at the beginning of your session. Environments with an asterisk are active.

list all environments and locations

conda env list

list all packages + source channels

conda list -n ENVNAME –show-channel-urls

install packages in environment

conda install -n ENVNAME PKG1 PKG2

remove package from environment

conda uninstall PKGNAME -n ENVNAME

update all packages in environment

conda update –all -n ENVNAME

Enviroment Management#

Tip: Specifying the environment name confines conda commands to that environment.

create environment with Python version

conda create -n ENVNAME python=3.10

clone environment

conda create –clone ENVNAME -n NEWENV

rename environment

conda rename -n ENVNAME NEWENVNAME

delete environment by name

conda remove -n ENVNAME –all

list revisions made to environment

conda list -n ENVNAME –revisions

restore environment to a revision

conda install -n ENVNAME –revision NUMBER

uninstall package from specific channel


Exporting Enviroments#

Recommendation: Name the export file “environment.” Environment name will be preserved.

cross-platform compatible

conda env export –from-history>ENV.yml

platform + package specific

conda env export ENVNAME>ENV.yml

platform + package + channel specific

conda list –explicit>ENV.txt

Importing Enviroments#

Tip: When importing an environment, conda resolves platform and package specifics.

from a .yml file

conda env create -n ENVNAME –file ENV.yml

from a .txt file

conda create -n ENVNAME –file ENV.txt

Additional hints#

get help for any command

conda COMMAND –help

get info for any package

conda search PKGNAME –info

run commands w/o user prompt

conda COMMAND ARG –yes conda install PKG1 PKG2 –yes

remove all unused files

conda clean –all

examine conda configuration

conda config –show