
Enviroment Modules are a tool to help users manage their linux enviroment.

On a HPC you may have many different conflicting pieces of software.

Modules allow you to pick and choose the software you want available to you.

How to use Modules#

The first thing to check is a list of the modules currently active for you:

module list

When you sign into the login node, a default set of modules will be loaded. You will see something like this:

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) autotools   2) prun/2.2   3) gnu9/9.4.0   4) hwloc/2.7.0   5) ucx/1.11.2   6) libfabric/1.13.0   7) openmpi4/4.1.1   8) ohpc

You may want to unload all the modules, so you can load a custom set:

module purge

Then if you run module list again, you should see none listed:

No modules loaded

Next let’s check which module are available for us to load:

module avail

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/4.6.2    charliecloud/0.15    gnu12/12.2.0    golang/1.20.3    java/8.0_371        libfabric/1.13.0    ohpc    papi/5.7.0    singularity/3.7.1    ucx/1.11.2
   autotools          cmake/3.24.2         gnu9/9.4.0      hwloc/2.7.0      java/20.0.1  (D)    magpie/2.5          os      prun/2.2      stata/17             valgrind/3.19.0

   D:  Default Module

We don’t see every module listed here, as some modules have dependencies. Most of which depend on the GNU compiler. Let’s load gnu9/9.4.0 and check what additional module appear. We use the module load command:

module load gnu9/9.4.0

module avail

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   R/4.1.2    gsl/2.7    hdf5/1.10.8    likwid/5.0.1    metis/5.1.0    mpich/3.4.2-ofi    mvapich2/2.3.6    openblas/0.3.7    openmpi4/4.1.1    pdtoolkit/3.25.1    plasma/2.8.0    py3-numpy/1.19.5    scotch/6.0.6    superlu/5.2.1

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/4.6.2    charliecloud/0.15    gnu12/12.2.0        golang/1.20.3    java/8.0_371        libfabric/1.13.0    ohpc    papi/5.7.0    singularity/3.7.1    ucx/1.11.2
   autotools          cmake/3.24.2         gnu9/9.4.0   (L)    hwloc/2.7.0      java/20.0.1  (D)    magpie/2.5          os      prun/2.2      stata/17             valgrind/3.19.0

   D:  Default Module
   L:  Module is loaded

We can now see an (L) icon next to gnu9 to show it’s loaded. Other modules like R that depend on gnu9 now appear.

Take a look at the /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps. Load the module with the name of the folder to have their dependant modules appear.

Using modules in your scripts#

Slurm preserves the enviroment you submitted your job in.

If you load a module then submit your script, the module will stay loaded in the running job.

However you are able to include module load statements in your SBATCH script:

#SBATCH --job-name=parallel_test      # Job name
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL          # Mail events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
#SBATCH # Where to send mail
#SBATCH --nodes=1                     # Run all processes on a single node
#SBATCH --ntasks=16                   # Run a single task
#SBATCH --mem=1gb                     # Total memory limit
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00               # Time limit hrs:min:sec
#SBATCH --output=parallel_%j.log      # Standard output and error log

module load R

echo "Running R in parallel on 16 cores"

Rscript Rcode.R


Including the module commands in the script is a good idea, so you don’t forget to load/unload modules before you submit.